Monday, November 5, 2007

WinRunner -- Mercury's Functional Testing Tool

WinRunner automates testing to ensure that applications work as expected. It records your business processes and generates a test. Afterwards, you can run your test and analyze the results.
WinRunner enables you to adapt and reuse your tests, thereby protecting your investment in test creation.

Testing Process

Testing with WinRunner includes three main stages:

Creating Tests: You can create tests using both recording and programming. While recording tests, you insert checkpoints where you want to check the behavior of the application being tested.

Running Tests: When you run a test, WinRunner emulates a user by entering mouse and keyboard input into your application. Each time WinRunner encounters a checkpoint in the test, it compares the current response of your application to its expected response.

Analyzing Test Results: When a test run ends, you examine the test results. WinRunner lists all the major events that occurred during the run, such as checkpoints, errors, or messages.

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